These functions yield information about the current state of a dolt database. dolt_state() provides information on current branch or headless commit. dolt_status() summarizes changes to the database in working or staged tables (from the dolt_status table). dolt_last_commit() pulls the most recent value from the dolt_log table. All have pretty-print methods for the objects returned but can be interrogated for more detail.

dolt_state(conn = dolt())

dolt_status(conn = dolt())

dolt_last_commit(conn = dolt())



the database connection


A data frame of class "dolt_status" and tibble::tbl_df. It pretty-prints as an abbreviated summary of status.


Values from each of these functions are returned as part of the dbGetInfo() method and are part of the information shown in the DoltConnection print method and in the RStudio Connection pane for a Dolt Database.