
  • Purpose

  • Structure and interface

  • Technology

  • Use cases

Research Information Gateway

  • Prototype database designed as new module for Africa CDC Knowledge Hub

  • A detailed, searchable, and visual database of One Health research projects

  • Directory of subject matter experts for public health practitioners

  • Visual and functional dashboard and interfaces for ease of use

Research Information Gateway in a One Health Community of Practice

CoP goals and functions

  • Link subject matter experts with surveillance

  • Share resources in outbreak response

  • Improved awareness of research activities

  • Informed strategic research agenda planning

Enabling technology

  • Searchable, up-to-date directory of researchers

  • Track on-the-ground capacity

  • Map ongoing research and surveillance projects

  • Analyse gaps and priorities in current research

A One Health Scope

  • A focus on zoonotic diseases based on Africa CDC’s Framework for One Health Practice in National Public Health Institutes (2020), and Event Based Surveillance Framework (2018)

    • Activities, Researchers, and Topics that are

    • Related to zoonotic disease: infectious diseases that can be spread between animals and humans; can be spread by food, water, fomites or vectors

    • In or related to African countries

Data sources and flow

flowchart LR
  input1(["Research Funder\nand\nInstitution data"])
  input4(["Expert Surveys\n(planned)"])



  input1 ==> action
  input2 ==> action
  input3 ==> action
  input4 ==> action
  action ==> output1
  action ==> output2
  action ==> output3

Development pathway

flowchart TD

  airtable_interface[/Airtable Interfaces/]

  airtable --> dolt -->|powers|dolthub
  airtable -->|feeds|airtable_interface
  dolthub <--> api <--> khub
  dolthub <--> api <--> dashboard
  dolthub <--> api <--> research

Development updates

  • Africa CDC colleagues are integrating the database to the Knowledge Hub

  • Updating database with new sources and funders then will add activities and researchers

    • search for new funders led to Pandemic PACT initiative - lots of overlap with database and has more records (9000+)
  • Streamlining of fields in the main tables for Activities and Researchers