3 DoltHub
DoltHub is a place to share Dolt databases. We host public data for free! DoltHub adds a modern, secure, always on database management web GUI to the Dolt ecosystem. Edit your database on the web, have another person review it via a pull request, and have the production database pull it to deploy.
3.1 What is DoltHub
DoltHub is GitHub for Dolt. DoltHub acts as a Dolt remote you can clone, push, pull and fetch from. DoltHub adds permissions, pull requests, issues, and forks to the Dolt ecosystem. Additionally, DoltHub has a modern SQL workbench built in so you can explore and change databases on the web.
3.2 Getting Started
DoltHub has many uses. We recommend getting started by sharing a database.
This documentation will walk you through discovering data on DoltHub, cloning a copy locally, making a change on a fork, and submitting a pull request to the original database.
3.3 DoltHub API
DoltHub has an API you can script against. The documentation covers:
SQL API - Used to make read or write SQL queries to a DoltHub database
CSV API - Used to download CSV format files of DoltHub tables
Database API - Used to interact with DoltHub databases and pull requests
Hooks - Used to receive change events to your DoltHub databases