1 Contributing

How do I add or modify a chapter in the EHA M&A Handbook?

Identify a gap in the handbook, create a branch, write the chapter and then create a pull request.

This handbook is created using the bookdown package. Bookdown allows you to publish a set of Rmarkdown documents into a book. Each document constitutes a chapter in the book.

This chapter assumes an introductory level understanding of git. See the chapter on git to learn more.

1.1 Anatomy of a chapter

  • Motivation - What question is the chapter trying to answer?
  • Summary - Short paragraph on the topic and/or bulleted list of workflow
  • Main Content - Longer form answer to the question
  • Additional Resources - Where can someone go to learn more about the topic?

1.2 Workflow Summary

1.2.1 For quick edits

  1. Click the edit button () at the top of the page
  2. Modify the chapter
  3. Commit the changes to master

These changes will be immediately reflected in the handbook!. If you would like someone else to review them, commit the changes to a branch then open a pull request.

1.2.2 Adding a chapter

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create a branch off of main/master for your chapter
  3. Start a new Rmarkdown document with rmarkdown::draft("my-chapter.Rmd",template = "EHA-MA-Chapter",package = "ehastyle")
  4. Add content to RMD
  5. Add chapter to _bookdown.yml
  6. Preview chapter with bookdown::preview_chapter("my-chapter.Rmd")
  7. Create a pull request into main/master
  8. Revise and resubmit

1.2.3 Major edits

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create a branch off of main/master for your edits
  3. Edit Rmarkdown document
  4. Preview chapter with bookdown::preview_chapter("my-chapter.Rmd")
  5. Create a pull request into main/master
  6. Revise and resubmit

1.3 Git based workflows

This handbook is generated via github actions. Whenever a change is made to the master branch, the book is re-compiled and published to this webpage. Because of that, its important that we are creating new chapters using branches in git as any changes to master will be added before review.

To create a branch use git checkout -b feature/my-chapter then use git push -u origin feature/my-chapter to track it on github. This will create a branch off of master and push it to the repository.

1.4 Working with rmarkdown in the bookdown framework

The format of bookdown chapters and the workflow for previewing them is a little different from typical rmarkdown documents. Unlike typical rmarkdown documents, bookdown chapters do not start with a yaml section. Also, the file name for the chapter must be added to the _bookdown.yaml for it to knit as expected. Otherwise, the workflow is more or less the same.

The ehaStyle package has a template for handbook chapters.


# if you are installing the package you may need to close and reopen
# Rstudio to be able to access this template

rmarkdown::draft("my-chapter.Rmd",template = "EHA-MA-Chapter",package = "ehastyle")

This will generate a markdown document with a rough outline of a chapter structure and an overview of the workflow. After you have created the rmd, you can add it to the _bookdown.yaml. The chapters are rendered in order based on the _bookdown.yaml file so try to place your chapter near related content.

You can now use bookdown::preview_chapter("my-chapter.Rmd") to make sure that your chapter has rendered properly. By specifying your chapter, you avoid rendering the entire book.

1.5 Review

When you’re happy with your chapter, open up a pull request and assign a reviewer. The reviewer will read the chapter and check that the contents are in-line with the overall context of the handbook and sufficient to get someone started on the topic.

When your pull request is accepted and merged into master, the github actions workflow will kick in and rebuild the book with your new material.

1.6 Modifying chapters

If you are making more than minor edits to the handbook, it is best to follow a branch based workflow as described above. When editing, you do not need to create a new rmd file or add the file name to _bookdown.yaml.

1.7 Additional resources