expand_frictionless_metadata can add and remove fields from the metadata depending on the structural metadata supplied.
ohcleandat 0.3.11
obfuscate gps can now handle NAs
ohcleandat 0.3.10
datapackage.json can be pruned to more closely follow structural metadata for datasets
ohcleandat 0.3.9
Files over 300mb are zipped before attempting to upload them to dropbox. Zipped validation logs on dropbox are automatically unzipped.
ohcleandat 0.3.8
Fixing bug in bug fix - naming properties that will be updated
ohcleandat 0.3.7
Fixing bug in expand metadata - function now allows for updates
ohcleandat 0.3.6
Adds a function to update the descriptive metadata in a frictionless datapackage
ohcleandat 0.3.5
ohcleandat 0.3.4
Setups up a minimal structural metadata framework for tabular datasets.
ohcleandat 0.3.3
Adds more control over the function used in get_precision and obfuscate_gps
ohcleandat 0.3.2
Fixing issue with download_google_drive where search pattern is over applied.
ohcleandat 0.3.1
Explicitly adding set_diff function which was previously a hidden dependency on the {ecohealthalliance/airtabler} package
ohcleandat 0.3.0
Adding GPS obfuscation function - this function uses two methods to reduce the accuracy of GPS points. The first is adding some amount of error to the measurement from a user defined random uniform distribution. The second is by rounding to remove precision from the measurement.