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This function fuzzes gps points by first adding error then rounding to a certain number of digits.


  precision = 2,
  fuzz = 0.125,
  type = c("lat", "lon"),
  func = min,

obfuscate_lat(x, precision = 2, fuzz = 0.125)

obfuscate_lon(x, precision = 2, fuzz = 0.125)



Numeric. Vector of gps points


Integer. Number of digits to keep. See round for more details


Numeric. Positive number indicating how much error to introduce to the gps measurements. This is used to generate the random uniform distribution runif(1,min = -fuzz, max = fuzz)


Character. One of "lat" or "lon"


Function. Function used in get_precision


Additional arguments for func.


Numeric. A vector of fuzzed and rounded GPS points

Numeric vector

Numeric vector


# make data
gps_data  <- data.frame(lat = c(1.0001, 10.22223, 4.00588),
                        lon = c(2.39595, 4.506930, -60.09999901))

# Default obfuscation settings correspont to roughly a 27 by 27 km area
gps_data$lat |>
  obfuscate_gps(type = "lat")
#> The data have a max precision of: 1e-05
#> The max shift from the combination of precision and fuzz is: 0.225 degrees
#> [1]  0.90 10.12  3.90

# Obfuscation can be made more or less precise by changing the number of
# decimal points included or modifying the amount of fuzz (error)
# introduced
gps_data$lon |>
  obfuscate_gps(precision = 4, fuzz = 0.002, type = "lon")
#> The data have a max precision of: 1e-08
#> The max shift from the combination of precision and fuzz is: 0.012 degrees
#> The majority of the obfuscation is coming from rounding, this
#>     potentially makes re-identification easier
#> [1]   2.3973   4.5083 -60.0987

### working at the poles
gps_data_poles  <- data.frame(lat = c(89.0001, 89.22223, -89.8881),
                              lon = c(2.39595, 4.506930, -60.09999901))

gps_data_poles$lat |>
  obfuscate_gps(fuzz = 1, type = "lat")
#> The data have a max precision of: 1e-05
#> The max shift from the combination of precision and fuzz is: 1.1 degrees
#> [1]  89.20  89.42 -89.69

### working at the 180th meridian
gps_data_180  <- data.frame(lat = c(2, 3, 4),
                            lon = c(179.39595, -179.506930, -178.09999901))
gps_data_180$lon |>
  obfuscate_gps(fuzz = 1, type = "lon")
#> The data have a max precision of: 1e-08
#> The max shift from the combination of precision and fuzz is: 1.1 degrees
#> [1]  178.71  179.81 -178.79

### working NA GPS data
gps_data_180  <- data.frame(lat = c(2, 3, 4),
                            lon = c(179.39595, NA, -178.09999901))
gps_data_180$lon |>
  obfuscate_gps(fuzz = 1, type = "lon")
#> The data have a max precision of: 1e-08
#> The max shift from the combination of precision and fuzz is: 1.1 degrees
#> [1]  178.41      NA -179.09

### GPS is on the fritz!
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
gps_data_fritz <- data.frame(lat = c(91, -91, 90),
                             lon = c(181.0001, -181.9877, -178.09999901))
gps_data_fritz$lon |>
  obfuscate_gps(fuzz = 1, type = "lon")

gps_data_fritz$lat |>
  obfuscate_gps(fuzz = 1, type = "lat")
} # }