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Provides a look up table matching ODK survey questions with their free text response question.


othertext_lookup(questionnaire = c("animal_owner"))



The ODK questionnaire. Used to ensure the correct look up table is found.




In many ODK surveys, a multiple choice question can have a response for 'other' where the respondent can add free text as a response. There is no consistent link in the response data to match the captured responses and the other free-text collected. This function provides a manual look up reference so free text responses can be compared to the original questions in the validation workflow.

This function can be expanded by providing a tibble with two columns: name and other_name which maps the question name in ODK to the question name containing 'other' or 'free text'.


othertext_lookup(questionnaire = c("animal_owner"))
#> # A tibble: 21 × 2
#>    name                      other_name                
#>    <chr>                     <chr>                     
#>  1 f2_species_own            f2a_species_own_oexp      
#>  2 f6e_rvf_vax_type          f6e_rvf_vax_type_oexp     
#>  3 f6a_protocol              f6a_protocol_other        
#>  4 f6b_which_vax             f6c_ani_vax_num_oexp      
#>  5 f6i_rvf_vax_chalenge_mult f6i_rvf_vax_chalenge_oexp 
#>  6 f7b_abortion_3_which      f7b_abortion_3_which_oexp 
#>  7 f7d_abortion_12_which     f7d_abortion_12_which_oexp
#>  8 f7f_abortus_dispose       f7f_abortus_dispose_oexp  
#>  9 f8_ani_contact            f8_ani_contact_oexp       
#> 10 f8c_contact_other_sp      f8c_contact_other_sp_oexp 
#> # ℹ 11 more rows