Create Free Text Log
Creates custom validation log for 'other: explain' free text responses that may contain valid multi-choice options.
- response_data
data.frame ODK questionnaire response data
- form_schema
data.frame ODK flattened form schema data
- url
The ODK submission URL excluding the uuid identifier
- lookup
a tibble formatted as a lookup to match questions with their free text responses. The format must match the output of
. This function can be passed to this function argument as a convenient handler for this value.
This function needs to link a survey question with its corresponding free text response. Users can use the
function to handle this, or provide their own tibble in the same format. See below:
~name, ~other_name,
question_1, question_1_other
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Using othertext_lookup helper
test_a <- create_freetext_log(response_data = animal_owner_semiclean,
form_schema = animal_owner_schema,
url = "",
lookup = ohcleandat::othertext_lookup(questionnaire = "animal_owner")
# using custom lookup table
mylookup <- tibble::tribble(
~name, ~other_name,
"f2_species_own", "f2a_species_own_oexp"
test_b <- create_freetext_log(response_data = animal_owner_semiclean,
form_schema = animal_owner_schema,
url = "",
lookup = mylookup
} # }